Bake your own site!

JBake is a Java based, open source, static site/blog generator for developers & designers


Get started with just 5 commands

The following 5 commands will install the latest version of JBake and get you started with a simple static site you can work with.

$ curl -s "" | bash
$ sdk install jbake
$ mkdir awesome-jbake && cd awesome-jbake
$ jbake -i
$ jbake -b -s

Then browse to http://localhost:8820 in your web browser to see your static site


Open Source

Source available on GitHub, licensed under MIT License

Cross platform support

The binary distribution runs on Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS X.

Content Formats

Supports AsciiDoc, Markdown and good old HTML formatted content.

Open Structure

Structure your content any way you see fit.

Blog Aware

RSS/Atom feed, archive and tag support.

Draft support

View your draft content before publishing it and making it available to the world.

Self contained

Binary distribution contains everything you need apart from a JRE, no complicated environment setup with 3rd party dependencies.

Build tools

Plugins available for Gradle, Maven, mill, SBuild and sbt.

Template Support

Freemarker, Groovy, Thymeleaf, Jade and Pebble based templates & scripting support.

CSS Framework Support

Easily integrate CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation.

Custom Metadata

Add as much metadata to content as you like, also exposed to templates.

Storage Support

Store your site content in Dropbox, CVS, SVN, Git or whatever you want.